Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 7 Santa Rosa, NM to somewhere close to Cuba, New Mexico

Some how we have happened on a beautiful spot, that I’m sure only the locals know about. In fact as we where setting up our camp site a group of about 7 kids pulled up in a chev blasting music. Just over the cliff there is a nice warm rock in the sun that is a perfect spot to sit and see the amazing view. That’s where Lauren and I had dinner and that’s where coughing and puffs of smoke are coming from now.

We had a nice relaxing day, heading to Albuquerque,NM. We spent some time in Old Town bought a few trinkets. Lots of tourists, with music and walking cowboy shows through the streets.

I had a dream 5 years ago that I should go to Albuquerque,NM and here I am, even with the exceptional touristy monuments and exciting gift shops I am still left disappointed somehow. Im not sure exactly what I was expecting but it seems we found a great place to buy tourist trinkets.

Since sitting at this spot, 2 different groups have stopped by. The first where the kids and now this other truck just stopped. Two guys and one girl, One guy much drunker than the other two. He crys “PURPLE RAIN!!” as he looks at the sunset and throws his beer bottle over the cliff, and pretty close to where we are sitting. I don't think they see us, so before any other bottle come whipping by I go up and say hi. As I walk up the drunk guy is so excited to see us he trys to put his hand out the window to wave, but the window is closed and just punches the glass instead. I walk around to the diver side and say Hi. The drunk dude says "This is a great place to get high, wana smoke some weed?" I decline and they head on there way.

Today was mostly on Interstate 40, until turning up to HWY 550, an amazing highway if anyone gets a chance. At almost every corner a new and more amazing cliff or gully would appear. Lots of bikers on this road so we must be going the right way.


We left Santa Rosa State Park and headed into Albuquerque to see a bit of old town. We were also there during an old car show, so saw lots of those too. Albuquerque was nice, with really different, southwest architecture. The plaza was nice and shady and had a church, founded by the Franciscan Friars, on the north side. We wandered around and then headed out. Our goal was to be close to Chaco Canyon so that we could make the short drive the next morning. We ended up in Cuba, New Mexico, and took a back road up a mountain (about 9500 feet up!) to a beautiful spot on the top looking over New Mexico plateau. It was amazing! We read, wrote, and hung out on the warm rocks, then watched the sun go down over the ridge of mountains. Probably the most beautiful place yet!


401 km today

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