Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 11—Jacob Lake, Arizona to the Grand Canyon then Fredonia, Arizona

Yesterday was crazy! We tried to get to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, but it was snowing, hailing, raining and snowing again! So we stayed at Jacob Lake, about 40 miles from the rim and decided to try today. And we made it! We left early and headed out to the North Rim. It was chilly, but a beautiful sunny day. The canyon was amazing! The colours were incredible, and there were way more trees than I expected. It was huge! And you can see so many layers of earth and colours. And it was really neat with the snow on the top of the canyon. There was snow on the ground and in the trees on the way there, but no snow on the roads.

We walked around, got a coffee, and headed back. Halfway back to Jacob Lake, we hit a snowstorm. It was whiteout conditions with blowing snow and hail. We finally made it back to Jacob Lake, picked up our stuff, and headed out. Although we were on a motorbike and stopping often in the snowstorm, we were the ones to ask the way to the park. Two sets of motor-homes stopped and asked us for directions to the Grand Canyon. But at least the directions were easy—down the road until you hit the edge!

We headed out of the canyon area, and dropped from 8,800 feet at the canyon to around 4,000 feet an hour later. It was beautiful coming down from the canyon and seeing the land change from pine and forest to more open land. We were also able to take some of our layers off as we descended.


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