Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 2 Sarnia ON. to Lake Salamonie near Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Hoping to get away early we set our alarm for 7am. But thanks to a squeaky windmill close by we where both up but 6:30 and lay in bed for the next half hour. Heading over to Tim H we had a quick bite to eat and a much needed coffee. We headed to the boarder (only about 25km away) on a side highway that a very nice husband and wife team (motorcyclists) recommended. We hit the toll booth and we both realized that neither one of us was ready for diving into pockets in search of change. The guy says ‘3 dollars’ and I look at Lauren “I don’t have change do you?”

Then across the bridge to meet the nice man at the border. He asks the normal questions until the very end when he says “have you done anything like this before? And all I can think of saying is “ well I went to Vail for Christmas” he smiles and wishes us luck on our trip, somehow thought I wonder if there was just a hint of sarcasm…

These first few days are the ones we have agreed to make major Kilometres or miles now (after crossing the border). We drove the majority of the day, taking breaks here and there, I keep seeing monuments and museums that I would like to check out, but we have agreed there is just no time, if we want to hang in Arizona.

Flint, Mich was as beat up and depressing as Michael Moore’s documentary suggested. We stopped at a gas station and it seemed as if I walked in just as the staff had finally cleared the air from hot boxing the glassed off cashiers area.

The road was nice and clear, it was a relief to have so much room on my first ride in the great USA! What and beautiful place! And windy! At some points down the road wind is coming at every angle, it’s a bit of a struggle, but totally manageable. Except I can’t hear Lauren as much and we both end up saying WHAT?!? About every 5 seconds.

The other interesting thing is that my bike doesn’t have Miles per hour on it and it’s a little confusing when I see a sign that just says 35. First of all, 35 What? I mean, every sign in Canada tells you that its Km. So I’ve resorted to asking Lauren every time we drive by a sign “How many km is that?” At the next stop she ripped out one of the conversion charts and put it on the tank bag, so now all I have to do is look down.

Our original plan was to head about 400km to Angola, IND. But just before then I hit a second wind and wanted to carry on further, we ended up just past Fort Wayne. I am now sitting in a beautiful National park sipping on some Bailey's, after a dip in the lake and watching the sun go down. With a total of 777km traveled.



  1. Hi Lauren and Devin,

    This is a wonderful blog! It sounds like you're having a blast. The weather looks great. I can't believe Devin went swimming! Glad to see your trip is finally happening. I'm totally jealous.

    Take care - Dad
