Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 42—Manitoulin Island to Toronto, Ontario

Well, we made it back! Safe and sound, with lots of incredible stories and memories. We got up early to get into the ferry line, then made our way to breakfast overlooking the lake. Since it was Father’s Day, both of us called our Dad’s while we were in line for the ferry. The day was gorgeous, with lots of sun and a bit of a breeze. The ferry was very large, although not quite as big as the Spirit ships going to and from Vancouver Island. It was a very pretty ferry ride through the islands to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, where the Niagara Escarpment drops into Lake Huron. After we got off the ferry, we took HWY 6 down, and went on a search for Devin’s grandmother’s cottage.

We found it down another dirt road, at the end of a driveway not fit for motorbikes. We walked to the cottage and it was facing the beautiful coastline with the Canadian Shield going into Lake Huron. It was a bit windy on the coast, but warm all the same. We went out the way we came and continued on our journey.

We decided that if we drove straight, with our normal breaks every hour or so, we could be back in Toronto that night. So we did, and it really wasn’t all that far. We passed through the infamous Shelburne, and saw the exact spot we tipped over and broke Devin’s peg holder. At that time, on our first trip, it seemed like we had driven a long ways to Shelburne. But this time, the trip from Shelburne to Toronto was quite easy. After all we have been through, the HWYs 400, 427, and 401 weren’t so bad! And it was less then 200 km to Toronto, so we were very happy. We pulled in to where we had left from—in front of Devin’s house. We arrived at the same time as the festival in Little Italy was happening, so there were tons of people on the streets, the streets were shut down, and there was music, food, and shops open all night.

It has been a great trip, and I am really happy that Devin invited me along and we made it our trip. We saw some amazing sites and visited with family. Maybe for our next trip I will have to get a bike!! ;)


Day 41—Pancake Bay to Manitoulin Island, Ontario

Staying at Pancake Bay for an extra day was awesome. We had a lazy morning, and had nap on the beach, then another swim in the afternoon. We had a nice fire and drinks last night. This morning, I woke up and read my book out on the beach in the sun.

We drove through Sault Saint Marie, and then down to Manitoulin Island on HWY 6. Manitoulin Island is on Lake Huron, and is quite pretty.

It has lots of little farms, lakes, and rocks. The rocks in this area of the country are amazing, from pink, white and yellow to black and shiny. We watched a swing bridge in action today, where it swings 90 degrees in order to allow tall boats to go through. It was neat! Then we stopped for ice cream and a rest. We finally made it to the ferry that will take us to Tobermory and the Bruce Peninsula, but were about 30 minutes late. Oh well, we now have a hotel room and had a delicious dinner of fish and chips made from fresh caught lake perch from Lake Huron. The earliest ferry tomorrow is at 11:10, so we likely won’t make it back to Toronto until the next day. Our trip is coming to an end and it is very sad. But it has been amazing! I have used that word a lot, but it is true.


Day 40 – Pancake Bay… Again.

“Well it looks like we are almost done our tirp”

“ya I know”

“maybe we should stay here tomorrow?”

“How many days to Toronto?”

“maybe two”

The trip is almost over and both of us feel like can afford prolong it another day. At least one good day on the beach with beers, maybe go for a swim. We have cruzed through so much of North America, hardly stopping to let it soak in. It has been amazing, and looking back I wouldn’t have done it any differently. We saw such a contrast in landscapes and people. I feel as though I will carry this experience with me the rest of my life.

How lucky we are, but how hard was it to get here. I’ve spent the last 2 years thinking about going on a trip like this. I’ve thought about what the best bike would be, researched where to go and what roads to take. Read other bikers blogs to see what route they took and where they went. Saved up to buy the bike and gear. all this to follow my dreams. Most people seems to think we are either crazy, lucky, or maybe stupid. I for one believe that following your heart and going on an adventure is food for the soul. If I come across money I will put it towards my dreams. If I have time away from work I will plan to make it happen. Because I’m only here once, so why not make the most of it.


Day 39—Stillwater (Nipigon) to Pancake Bay, Ontario

Today we headed out of Nipigon, and took the highway along the shores of Lake Superior. The drive was more interesting because the views were spectacular, and the lake is beautiful. Lots of rock, trees, and lakes! Also, there were lots of signs for moose, which are a night danger. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any moose, or bears. But we did see a beaver cross the road! Super cute, but they don’t run so well! We stopped in Wawa and saw the giant geese! They were awesome, and Wawa is such a neat word to say.

Pancake Bay is a campground on the shores of Lake Superior, with an enormous crescent shaped sand beach. We were so hot in our motorcycle outfits that we decided to go for a swim. Like the Aaron Lakes, this water was cold! But sooooo nice! We dried off and lay in the sun for a while before dinner. It was wonderful!


In Winnipeg we stopped by the CAA for an Ontario camping book, their free and very useful. The woman at the counter didn’t know much about Ontario when I asked about nice places to stop.

“Are there any nice places that we should stop by?”

“pancake bay! I don’t know any other places but I went to pancake bay with my boy friend and it was so beautiful, we loved it.”

So we were on the lookout for this Pancake bay. It wasn’t on any of our maps and the woman at CAA had no idea where it was. We searched it on google maps on my iphone and found it near Batchawana bay about 70km north of Sault St. Marie.

We found a beautiful camp ground right on the beach. And both of us hot and exhausted couldn’t get in the water fast enough. We lounged for an hour or so on the beach soaking up the sun. Way down the beach I spotted the huge multi coloured umbrella. It reminded me of a producer’s logo that I once worked for and had visited in Tatlayoko Lake.

“I have to go over there and take a picture of their umbrella”

“what? Where?”

Lauren looks down the beach and then at me amused and showing sights of understanding. By this time she has gotten used to me approaching random strangers. She lies back down.

“have fun”

“I’ll be back soon”

I begin my trek along the beach toward these people with their interesting umbrella.

The walk was longer then I though and having ridden everywhere it was harder work than I bargained for. Approaching strangers is always interesting, I never know what kind of people I’m going to meet and always seem to ask myself.

“is this a good idea?”

But I had walked this far and I wasn’t going to stop now.

I said hello, and told them why I had made my way over. They were very friendly and being travelers themselves we exchanged stories and I took a few pictures of the umbrella.

I arrived back were Lauren lay.

“you were gone a long time”

“was I? sorry about that, they made the same trip we did in an RV, but missed deathvally and wanted to hear about it”

Soon after we made camp and had dinner and the beach, what a beautiful place!
