Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 42—Manitoulin Island to Toronto, Ontario

Well, we made it back! Safe and sound, with lots of incredible stories and memories. We got up early to get into the ferry line, then made our way to breakfast overlooking the lake. Since it was Father’s Day, both of us called our Dad’s while we were in line for the ferry. The day was gorgeous, with lots of sun and a bit of a breeze. The ferry was very large, although not quite as big as the Spirit ships going to and from Vancouver Island. It was a very pretty ferry ride through the islands to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula, where the Niagara Escarpment drops into Lake Huron. After we got off the ferry, we took HWY 6 down, and went on a search for Devin’s grandmother’s cottage.

We found it down another dirt road, at the end of a driveway not fit for motorbikes. We walked to the cottage and it was facing the beautiful coastline with the Canadian Shield going into Lake Huron. It was a bit windy on the coast, but warm all the same. We went out the way we came and continued on our journey.

We decided that if we drove straight, with our normal breaks every hour or so, we could be back in Toronto that night. So we did, and it really wasn’t all that far. We passed through the infamous Shelburne, and saw the exact spot we tipped over and broke Devin’s peg holder. At that time, on our first trip, it seemed like we had driven a long ways to Shelburne. But this time, the trip from Shelburne to Toronto was quite easy. After all we have been through, the HWYs 400, 427, and 401 weren’t so bad! And it was less then 200 km to Toronto, so we were very happy. We pulled in to where we had left from—in front of Devin’s house. We arrived at the same time as the festival in Little Italy was happening, so there were tons of people on the streets, the streets were shut down, and there was music, food, and shops open all night.

It has been a great trip, and I am really happy that Devin invited me along and we made it our trip. We saw some amazing sites and visited with family. Maybe for our next trip I will have to get a bike!! ;)


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog Lauren and Devin. We really enjoyed your stories and photos. So glad you made it back in one piece!

    Ron and Joan (Dad and Mom)
